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Our business

We drive the shift to renewable transport

Preem accounts for about 80 percent of the Swedish production capacity, and about half of all liquid fuel used in Sweden comes from Preem. We also produce heating and lubricating oils, and supply many industries with heat and energy.

Around two-thirds of the fuel production is sold to international customers, mainly in Northern Europe.

Preem is currently carrying out a large-scale transition, where we are phasing out fossil fuels in favor of renewables. We are making this transition while we aim to maintain the reliability of supply in Sweden and abroad.

Our Goal: One Of The World's First Climate-Neutral Refinery Company

Preem is undergoing a fundamental change. We are currently converting our production from fossil to renewable and developing our product range, among other things, with charging services. We aim to achieve a climate-neutral value chain with net zero emissions by 2035.

What we mean by Climate Neutrality

Preem's definition of climate neutrality is aligned with the Science Based Targets Net-Zero standard, entailing a reduction of at least 90% of Preem's emissions across the entire value chain from the base year 2018 to the target year 2035.

For the remaining emissions that cannot be reduced or eliminated, offsetting will be achieved through various projects, one example being carbon capture and storage (CCS).

  • Turnover 2023


  • Employees approx

  • Stations

  • Renewable fuels 2022
