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Preem announces planned redundancies

The corona crisis has led to a sharp decline in demand for refined products and the economy is expected to take time to recover. Preem has therefore decided to adapt and streamline its workforce, and has announced plans to make 130 employees redundant.

“The slowdown in the global economy has had a major negative impact on international industrial companies, which has not only affected Preem, but our entire industry,” says Magnus Heimburg, President and CEO of Preem. “As a direct consequence of developments in the outside world, and in order to ensure business continuity over time, Preem’s management has come to the conclusion that redundancies are necessary.”

An overall organizational review has recently been carried out for Preem AB in Sweden. The result of the review means that Preem will today notify 130 permanent employees of their redundancy, which corresponds to approximately 10 percent of the workforce. The number notified is an initial estimate of how many employees may be affected.

“The announcement will not affect our production capacity. And we will continue to ensure that we have the workforce needed to maintain our operations. We also stand by our long-term goals and strategy to implement the transition to large-scale, renewable production,” Magnus Heimburg continues.