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Sunpine, partly owned with Sveaskog, Södra and Lawter, in which Preem has invested 45 million SEK. SunPine’s world-leading bio-refinery supplies innovative and sustainable products that are based on tall oil, a residual product from Kraft pulp mills. Today with a capacity of about 150 000 m3 tall fatty acids and 35 000 tons resin. An expansion project was completed that increased capacity by 50% in 2020.

Pyrocell AB

Preem and the wood industry company Setra Group started a collaboration for the first production plant for a production of fast pyrolysis oil, a green raw material for renewable fuels extracted from forest residues.
Construction began in 2019, and the facility is designed to produce nearly 25,000 tonnes of pyrolysis oil per year that, via Preem’s refinery in Lysekil, will be refined into advanced biofuel.
The partnership with Setra is part of Preem’s ambition to manufacture 5,000,000 cubic metres of renewable fuel at refineries in Lysekil and Gothenburg by 2030. The plant was commissioned in September 2021 and have been producing since then. Upgrading in Lysekil has been going on since December 2021.