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Investing in renewable aviation fuel and renewable diesel

We are investing billions in the refinery conversion – from fossil fuels to renewables

Starting in 2024, we are rebuilding the so-called IsoCracker plant (ICR) at the refinery in Lysekil. The plant is currently being used for the production of diesel. After the conversion, the plant will produce renewable aviation fuel (biojet/SAF) and renewable diesel.

The investment enables Preem to become the largest producer of renewable aviation fuel in Northern Europe, and one of the largest producers of renewable fuels for road transportation.

Tidslinje med milstolpar för icr-projektet.The reconstruction of the plant will begin in 2024 and is scheduled for completion in 2027. It is expected to provide Preem with an additional 1.2 million cubic meters of renewable production capacity. This can be compared to the total capacity of about 530,000 cubic meters per year in 2023. At the same time, Preem is reducing its fossil fuel production capacity by an equivalent amount.

In total, the investment is counted to reduce annual fossil fuel emissions at the user level by 2-3 million tons of CO2e, and around 200,000 tons of CO2e locally at the Lysekil refinery*.

FACTS: ICR project

  • Refinery: Lysekil
  • Plant: ICR (IsoCracker)
  • Investment: Approximately SEK 5.5 billion
  • Project start: 2024
  • Start of production: 2027
  • Renewable production capacity: +1.2 million m3
  • Fossil phase-out: -1.2 million m3
  • Reduced fossil emissions (Scope 1-3): Approx -2-3 million tons of CO2e   
  • Reduced fossil emissions (Scope 1): Approx -200,000 tons CO2e
  • Products: Biojet/SAF, HVO
  • Production capacity, SAF: ~600 000 m3
  • Production capacity, HVO: ~600,000 m3

*How we calculated

One cubic meter of crude oil corresponds to approximately 3 tons of fossil carbon dioxide. By using renewable raw materials, such as rapeseed oil, tall oil, and animal fats, the fossil carbon dioxide emissions can be reduced by 65-95 percent.

When Preem produces 1.2 million cubic meters of renewable fuels with a raw material that results in approximately 60-85 percent lower fossil emissions, the fossil carbon dioxide emissions can be reduced by between 2 and 3 million tons.
1 200 000 x 3 x 0,6/0,85 = 2 000 000/3 000 000.

By phasing out the fossil production, the local emissions at the refinery can be reduced by 200,000 tons of fossil carbon dioxide equivalents – mixed fossil emission gases whose climate impact is calculated in comparison with an emission of fossil carbon dioxide.


We are investing in renewable fuels for road transport, aviation and shipping

Three questions to Tommy Johansson, ICR Project Manager